Friday, June 17, 2011


I was sixteen and my life consisted of being with my best friends and scrounging for $6.13 in change to buy a fifth of Kamchatka vodka. There were six of us and we could be found anywhere downtown, yelling obscenities and hanging all over each other. We sprawled out all over each other on my couch, looking like sea lions on the beach, heads on each others stomachs and arms around each other. We ate together, we played together, we depended on each other for entertainment and for understanding. We knew each other better than anyone could imagine knowing another person, let alone five other people. We had a good idea of what life was supposed to be about. Although we never said it, we completed each other. We loved each other, all for different reasons and in all different ways. Even if the world wasn't at our feet, we paid no mind. Even if we didn't have it all figured out, we didn't care because we understood the better things in life.

Now, after jail, after the army, after Australia, after death, after life changing decisions and after finally not being the little one anymore, were needless to say not the same people. I can't remember the last time we were all in the same room together. We don't depend on each other anymore, we hardly even talk. We aren't even a 'we' anymore but for some reason it still feels the same when were together. I guess this what they describe as an engraving of the soul. We make each other feel 16 again, we make each other feel like nothing ever happened to any of us again. After all these years, we are still able to feel understood and accepted. We all took different paths but I have confidence we will all end up in the same place...with each other.

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